How to Turn Off Likes and Dislikes on YouTube

YouTube is one of the most prominent social media platforms of recent times. The popularity of this platform continues to increase with millions of users. On this platform, it is possible to attract people’s attention with content that appeals to all age groups. Thanks to this application, people can easily […] The following blog post“How to Turn Off Likes and Dislikes on YouTube” yazısının devamını oku

How to Change Your Age on TikTok

Social media platforms are making progress by gaining an important place in the world over time. Thanks to these platforms, people connect with their friends and families. In addition, it is possible to have information about many trending topics thanks to these platforms. However, it is also possible to encounter […] The following blog post“How to Change Your Age on TikTok” yazısının devamını oku

Why Does Instagram Save Photos to My Phone?

When sharing photos on social media, Instagram is the most common platform. Therefore, it should not be a surprise if your camera roll is full of the images you post on your account. Also, seeing the same two photos in your gallery, one original and one Instagram photo, can be […] The following blog post“Why Does Instagram Save Photos to My Phone?” yazısının devamını oku

How to Post Horizontal Videos (Landscape) on Instagram

The horizontal video, also known as landscape orientation, is still a widespread audiovisual format. How could it not be so? It’s nothing but the good old viewing mode of our televisions and movie theatres. Until the advent of the internet and, more precisely, mobile applications, the horizontal mode used to be […] The following blog post“How to Post Horizontal Videos (Landscape) on Instagram” yazısının devamını oku

How to Post Landscape and Portrait Photos on Instagram

Instagram photos in square format have always been the best approach to sharing our visual narrative. However, Instagram’s traditional square photos are no longer the norm. Landscape and portrait Instagram photos are currently receiving the most attention from users. Sharing photos in landscape and portrait size hasn’t always been simple […] The following blog post“How to Post Landscape and Portrait Photos on Instagram” yazısının devamını oku

How to Make A Picture Fit on Instagram

You might upload a photo to Instagram only to discover that Instagram has cropped it. You might find that Instagram has cropped important portions of your image, which could be concerning. This problem can make you question if there is a method to crop a picture so that it will […] The following blog post“How to Make A Picture Fit on Instagram” yazısının devamını oku

How to Change Instagram Profile Picture

A profile picture is the first thing that tells the story you want to tell to your target audience on social media platforms. It should come as no surprise that Instagram profile pictures are an essential component of our social media experience, given that the platform is known for allowing […] The following blog post“How to Change Instagram Profile Picture” yazısının devamını oku

How to Delete A Story on Instagram

Instagram is one of the top social media platforms for sharing photos with followers because it solely focuses on visuals. Instagram succeeds in setting itself apart from other social media platforms by letting people participate in their stories. You can undoubtedly offer your followers a glimpse of your life by […] The following blog post“How to Delete A Story on Instagram” yazısının devamını oku

How to Start A Blog on Facebook

Blogs are among the best forms of online content promotion. Thanks to them, one can make circulate not only ideas and philosophical/existential approaches but also product presentations, brand awareness, and detailed instruction manuals. The same advantages apply as well if you happen to be a Facebook blog owner. Speaking of which, have […] The following blog post“How to Start A Blog on Facebook” yazısının devamını oku

How to Change Instagram Password

Instagram is a social networking service that people use to share photos and videos. Since 2010, it has become one of the most popular social media tools in today’s media world. There are billions of users worldwide who open Instagram accounts, whether for personal or business and marketing sharing. But […] The following blog post“How to Change Instagram Password” yazısının devamını oku ile böyle bir site tasarlayın